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baseURL = ""
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title = "Alexandre Racine"
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identifier = 'blog'
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identifier = 'a-propos'
name = 'À propos'
title = 'À propos de ce site web'
url = '/a-propos/'
weight = -20
identifier = 'contacts'
name = 'Contacts'
title = 'Me contacter'
url = '/contacts'
weight = 0
identifier = 'applications'
name = 'Applis'
title = 'Liste des applications'
url = '/applis/'
weight = 5
identifier = 'moi'
name = 'Moi'
title = 'Quelques mots sur moi'
url = '/me/'
weight = -10
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Description = "Site web personnel d'Alexandre Racine. Bibliothécaire - Lausanne. aka alerac - aka racilex"
Image = "avatar-800.png"
ImageDescription = "silhouette d'un homme de profil sur fond bleu."
License = ""
# Git repository of the website
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# Which kind of git forge is it? GitHub, a Gitlab instance, a Gitea intance?
type = "gitea" # github, gitlab, gitea
# Personal contact data
Function = "Bibliothécaire"
# address = "Av. du Vieux-Moulin 8"
# ZIP = "1018"
Place = "Lausanne"
# phone = "+41 79 390 89 27"
email = ""
publickey = "alex-racine-pub.asc"
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# Web accounts
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discogs = "alerac"
instagram = "racilex"
# Apps
cloudTitle = "Mon cloud personnel"
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linksTitle = "Shaarli : une application de partage de liens"
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liveTitle = "Libracine live : DJ sets et web radio personnelle"
liveURL = ""
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gitImg = "/images/apps/git.png"